
If no explicit configuration is provided then the Tomcat7 Maven Plugin defaults to the following:

  • Tomcat manager URL of http://localhost:8080/manager
  • Authentication details of username admin and no password
  • Context path of /${project.artifactId}

These can be overridden as described below.

Using a different Tomcat manager URL

To configure the plugin for a different Tomcat instance, add a plugin configuration block to your pom.xml as follows:


The default Tomcat manager URL is http://localhost:8080/manager.

Using different Tomcat manager authentication details

To specify a different username and password to use when authenticating with Tomcat manager:

  1. Add a plugin configuration block to your pom.xml:
  2. Add a corresponding server block to your settings.xml:

The default authentication details are username admin and no password.

Using a different context path

The default context path is /${project.artifactId}.

To change the context path to /mycontext configure the plugin like this:


If you are using to change the name of your WAR file, you can use that value when you configure the context path as well. To do that add the following configuration block to your pom.xml:
