CatalinaClusterSF |
Generate Cluster Element with Membership,Sender,Receiver,Deployer and
CertificateStoreAppender |
Store the Certificate attributes.
ChannelSF |
Generate Channel Element
ConnectorSF |
Store Connector and Listeners
ConnectorStoreAppender |
Store the Connector attributes.
Constants |
CredentialHandlerSF |
Store server.xml Element CredentialHandler
GlobalNamingResourcesSF |
store server.xml GlobalNamingResource.
InterceptorSF |
Generate Interceptor Element
JarScannerSF |
Store server.xml Element JarScanner
LoaderSF |
Store Loader Element.
ManagerSF |
Store server.xml Manager element
NamingResourcesSF |
Store server.xml elements Resources at context and GlobalNamingResources
OpenSSLConfSF |
Store OpenSSLConf
PersistentManagerSF |
store server.xml PersistentManager element with nested "Store"
RealmSF |
Store server.xml Element Realm
SenderSF |
Generate Sender Element
SSLHostConfigSF |
Store SSLHostConfig
StandardContextSF |
Store server.xml Context element with all children
Store all context at server.xml
Store existing app.xml context a conf/enginename/hostname/app.xml
Store with backup
StandardEngineSF |
Store server.xml Element Engine
StandardHostSF |
Store server.xml Element Host
StandardServerSF |
Store server.xml Server element and children (
StandardServiceSF |
Store server.xml Element Service and all children
StoreAppender |
StoreAppends generate really the xml tag elements
StoreConfig |
Store Server/Service/Host/Context at file or PrintWriter.
StoreConfigLifecycleListener |
Loads and registers a StoreConfig MBean with the name
StoreContextAppender |
store StandardContext Attributes ...
StoreDescription |
Bean of a StoreDescription
StoreFactoryBase |
StoreFactory saves special elements.
StoreFactoryRule |
Rule that creates a new IStoreFactory instance, and associates
it with the top object on the stack (which must implement
IStoreFactory ).
StoreFileMover |
Move server.xml or context.xml as backup
TODO Get Encoding from Registry
StoreLoader |
XML Format
StoreRegistry |
Central StoreRegistry for all server.xml elements
WatchedResourceSF |
WebResourceRootSF |
Generate Resources element
WrapperLifecycleSF |
WrapperListenerSF |