Class AbstractProcessor

    • Field Detail

      • adapter

        protected final Adapter adapter
      • asyncStateMachine

        protected final org.apache.coyote.AsyncStateMachine asyncStateMachine
      • request

        protected final Request request
      • response

        protected final Response response
      • sslSupport

        protected volatile SSLSupport sslSupport
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractProcessor

        public AbstractProcessor​(Adapter adapter)
      • AbstractProcessor

        protected AbstractProcessor​(Adapter adapter,
                                    Request coyoteRequest,
                                    Response coyoteResponse)
    • Method Detail

      • setErrorState

        protected void setErrorState​(ErrorState errorState,
                                     java.lang.Throwable t)
        Update the current error state to the new error state if the new error state is more severe than the current error state.
        errorState - The error status details
        t - The error which occurred
      • getErrorState

        protected ErrorState getErrorState()
      • getRequest

        public Request getRequest()
        Specified by:
        getRequest in interface Processor
        The request associated with this processor.
      • getAdapter

        public Adapter getAdapter()
        Get the associated adapter.
        the associated adapter
      • setSocketWrapper

        protected void setSocketWrapper​(SocketWrapperBase<?> socketWrapper)
        Set the socket wrapper being used.
        socketWrapper - The socket wrapper
      • getSocketWrapper

        protected final SocketWrapperBase<?> getSocketWrapper()
        the socket wrapper being used.
      • setSslSupport

        public final void setSslSupport​(SSLSupport sslSupport)
        Description copied from interface: Processor
        Set the SSL information for this HTTP connection.
        Specified by:
        setSslSupport in interface Processor
        sslSupport - The SSL support object to use for this connection
      • execute

        protected void execute​(java.lang.Runnable runnable)
        Provides a mechanism to trigger processing on a container thread.
        runnable - The task representing the processing that needs to take place on a container thread
      • isAsync

        public boolean isAsync()
        Specified by:
        isAsync in interface Processor
      • dispatch

        public final AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState dispatch​(SocketEvent status)
        Description copied from class: AbstractProcessorLight
        Process an in-progress request that is not longer in standard HTTP mode. Uses currently include Servlet 3.0 Async and HTTP upgrade connections. Further uses may be added in the future. These will typically start as HTTP requests.
        Specified by:
        dispatch in class AbstractProcessorLight
        status - The event to process
        The state the caller should put the socket in when this method returns
        Throws: - If an I/O error occurs during the processing of the request
      • parseHost

        protected void parseHost​(MessageBytes valueMB)
      • populateHost

        protected void populateHost()
        Called when a host header is not present in the request (e.g. HTTP/1.0). It populates the server name with appropriate information. The source is expected to vary by protocol.

        The default implementation is a NO-OP.

      • populatePort

        protected void populatePort()
        Called when a host header is not present or is empty in the request (e.g. HTTP/1.0). It populates the server port with appropriate information. The source is expected to vary by protocol.

        The default implementation is a NO-OP.

      • action

        public final void action​(ActionCode actionCode,
                                 java.lang.Object param)
        Description copied from interface: ActionHook
        Send an action to the connector.
        Specified by:
        action in interface ActionHook
        actionCode - Type of the action
        param - Action parameter
      • dispatchNonBlockingRead

        protected void dispatchNonBlockingRead()
        Perform any necessary processing for a non-blocking read before dispatching to the adapter.
      • timeoutAsync

        public void timeoutAsync​(long now)
        Check this processor to see if the timeout has expired and process a timeout if that is that case.

        Note: The name of this method originated with the Servlet 3.0 asynchronous processing but evolved over time to represent a timeout that is triggered independently of the socket read/write timeouts.

        Sub-classes of this base class represent a single request/response pair. The timeout to be processed is, therefore, the Servlet asynchronous processing timeout.

        Specified by:
        timeoutAsync in interface Processor
        now - The time (as returned by System.currentTimeMillis() to use as the current time to determine whether the timeout has expired. If negative, the timeout will always be treated as ifq it has expired.
      • checkAsyncTimeoutGeneration

        public boolean checkAsyncTimeoutGeneration()
        Description copied from interface: Processor
        Check to see if the async generation (each cycle of async increments the generation of the AsyncStateMachine) is the same as the generation when the most recent async timeout was triggered. This is intended to be used to avoid unnecessary processing.
        Specified by:
        checkAsyncTimeoutGeneration in interface Processor
        true If the async generation has not changed since the async timeout was triggered
      • setAsyncTimeout

        public void setAsyncTimeout​(long timeout)
      • getAsyncTimeout

        public long getAsyncTimeout()
      • recycle

        public void recycle()
        Description copied from interface: Processor
        Recycle the processor, ready for the next request which may be on the same connection or a different connection.
        Specified by:
        recycle in interface Processor
      • prepareResponse

        protected abstract void prepareResponse()
      • finishResponse

        protected abstract void finishResponse()
      • flush

        protected abstract void flush()
      • available

        protected abstract int available​(boolean doRead)
      • setRequestBody

        protected abstract void setRequestBody​(ByteChunk body)
      • setSwallowResponse

        protected abstract void setSwallowResponse()
      • disableSwallowRequest

        protected abstract void disableSwallowRequest()
      • getPopulateRequestAttributesFromSocket

        protected boolean getPopulateRequestAttributesFromSocket()
        Processors that populate request attributes directly (e.g. AJP) should over-ride this method and return false.
        true if the SocketWrapper should be used to populate the request attributes, otherwise false.
      • populateRequestAttributeRemoteHost

        protected void populateRequestAttributeRemoteHost()
        Populate the remote host request attribute. Processors (e.g. AJP) that populate this from an alternative source should override this method.
      • populateSslRequestAttributes

        protected void populateSslRequestAttributes()
        Populate the TLS related request attributes from the SSLSupport instance associated with this processor. Protocols that populate TLS attributes from a different source (e.g. AJP) should override this method.
      • sslReHandShake

        protected void sslReHandShake()
        Processors that can perform a TLS re-handshake (e.g. HTTP/1.1) should override this method and implement the re-handshake.
        Throws: - If authentication is required then there will be I/O with the client and this exception will be thrown if that goes wrong
      • processSocketEvent

        protected void processSocketEvent​(SocketEvent event,
                                          boolean dispatch)
      • isReadyForRead

        protected boolean isReadyForRead()
      • isRequestBodyFullyRead

        protected abstract boolean isRequestBodyFullyRead()
      • registerReadInterest

        protected abstract void registerReadInterest()
      • isReadyForWrite

        protected abstract boolean isReadyForWrite()
      • executeDispatches

        protected void executeDispatches()
      • getUpgradeToken

        public UpgradeToken getUpgradeToken()
        Generate an upgrade token. Processors that implement HTTP upgrade must override this method and provide the necessary token.
        Specified by:
        getUpgradeToken in interface Processor
        An upgrade token encapsulating the information required to process the upgrade request
      • doHttpUpgrade

        protected void doHttpUpgrade​(UpgradeToken upgradeToken)
        Process an HTTP upgrade. Processors that support HTTP upgrade should override this method and process the provided token.
        upgradeToken - Contains all the information necessary for the Processor to process the upgrade
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the protocol does not support HTTP upgrade
      • getLeftoverInput

        public java.nio.ByteBuffer getLeftoverInput()
        Allows retrieving additional input during the upgrade process. Processors that implement HTTP upgrade must override this method.
        Specified by:
        getLeftoverInput in interface Processor
        leftover bytes
      • isUpgrade

        public boolean isUpgrade()
        Processors that implement HTTP upgrade must override this method.
        Specified by:
        isUpgrade in interface Processor
        true if the Processor is currently processing an upgrade request, otherwise false
      • isPushSupported

        protected boolean isPushSupported()
        Protocols that support push should override this method and return true.
        true if push is supported by this processor, otherwise false.
      • doPush

        protected void doPush​(Request pushTarget)
        Process a push. Processors that support push should override this method and process the provided token.
        pushTarget - Contains all the information necessary for the Processor to process the push request
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the protocol does not support push
      • isTrailerFieldsReady

        protected abstract boolean isTrailerFieldsReady()
      • isTrailerFieldsSupported

        protected boolean isTrailerFieldsSupported()
        Protocols that support trailer fields should override this method and return true.
        true if trailer fields are supported by this processor, otherwise false.
      • getConnectionID

        protected java.lang.Object getConnectionID()
        Protocols that support multiplexing (e.g. HTTP/2) should override this method and return the appropriate ID.
        The stream ID associated with this request or null if a multiplexing protocol is not being used
      • getStreamID

        protected java.lang.Object getStreamID()
        Protocols that support multiplexing (e.g. HTTP/2) should override this method and return the appropriate ID.
        The stream ID associated with this request or null if a multiplexing protocol is not being used
      • flushBufferedWrite

        protected abstract boolean flushBufferedWrite()
        Flush any pending writes. Used during non-blocking writes to flush any remaining data from a previous incomplete write.
        true if data remains to be flushed at the end of method
        Throws: - If an I/O error occurs while attempting to flush the data
      • dispatchEndRequest

        protected abstract AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState dispatchEndRequest()
        Perform any necessary clean-up processing if the dispatch resulted in the completion of processing for the current request.
        The state to return for the socket once the clean-up for the current request has completed
        Throws: - If an I/O error occurs while attempting to end the request
      • logAccess

        protected final void logAccess​(SocketWrapperBase<?> socketWrapper)
        Description copied from class: AbstractProcessorLight
        Add an entry to the access log for a failed connection attempt.
        logAccess in class AbstractProcessorLight
        socketWrapper - The connection to process
        Throws: - If an I/O error occurs during the processing of the request