Interface FilterRegistration

    • Method Detail

      • addMappingForServletNames

        void addMappingForServletNames​(java.util.EnumSet<DispatcherType> dispatcherTypes,
                                       boolean isMatchAfter,
                                       java.lang.String... servletNames)
        Add a mapping for this filter to one or more named Servlets.
        dispatcherTypes - The dispatch types to which this filter should apply
        isMatchAfter - Should this filter be applied after any mappings defined in the deployment descriptor (true) or before?
        servletNames - Requests mapped to these servlets will be processed by this filter
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the list of servlet names is empty or null
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the associated ServletContext has already been initialised
      • getServletNameMappings

        java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getServletNameMappings()
        Gets the currently available servlet name mappings of the Filter represented by this FilterRegistration.
        a Collection of the Servlet name mappings
      • addMappingForUrlPatterns

        void addMappingForUrlPatterns​(java.util.EnumSet<DispatcherType> dispatcherTypes,
                                      boolean isMatchAfter,
                                      java.lang.String... urlPatterns)
        Add a mapping for this filter to one or more URL patterns.
        dispatcherTypes - The dispatch types to which this filter should apply
        isMatchAfter - Should this filter be applied after any mappings defined in the deployment descriptor (true) or before?
        urlPatterns - The URL patterns to which this filter should be applied
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the list of URL patterns is empty or null
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the associated ServletContext has already been initialised
      • getUrlPatternMappings

        java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getUrlPatternMappings()
        Gets the currently available URL pattern mappings of the Filter represented by this FilterRegistration.
        a Collection of the URL pattern mappings