Class FormAuthenticator

All Implemented Interfaces:
RegistrationListener, MBeanRegistration, Authenticator, Contained, JmxEnabled, Lifecycle, Valve

public class FormAuthenticator extends AuthenticatorBase
An Authenticator and Valve implementation of FORM BASED Authentication, as described in the Servlet API Specification.
Craig R. McClanahan, Remy Maucherat
  • Field Details

    • characterEncoding

      protected String characterEncoding
      Character encoding to use to read the username and password parameters from the request. If not set, the encoding of the request body will be used.
    • landingPage

      protected String landingPage
      Landing page to use if a user tries to access the login page directly or if the session times out during login. If not set, error responses will be sent instead.
    • authenticationSessionTimeout

      protected int authenticationSessionTimeout
      If the authentication process creates a session, this is the maximum session timeout (in seconds) during the authentication process. Once authentication is complete, the default session timeout will apply. Sessions that exist before the authentication process starts will retain their original session timeout throughout.
  • Constructor Details

    • FormAuthenticator

      public FormAuthenticator()
  • Method Details

    • getCharacterEncoding

      public String getCharacterEncoding()
      Return the character encoding to use to read the user name and password.
      The name of the character encoding
    • setCharacterEncoding

      public void setCharacterEncoding(String encoding)
      Set the character encoding to be used to read the user name and password.
      encoding - The name of the encoding to use
    • getLandingPage

      public String getLandingPage()
      Return the landing page to use when FORM auth is mis-used.
      The path to the landing page relative to the web application root
    • setLandingPage

      public void setLandingPage(String landingPage)
      Set the landing page to use when the FORM auth is mis-used.
      landingPage - The path to the landing page relative to the web application root
    • getAuthenticationSessionTimeout

      public int getAuthenticationSessionTimeout()
      Returns the maximum session timeout to be used during authentication if the authentication process creates a session.
      the maximum session timeout to be used during authentication if the authentication process creates a session
    • setAuthenticationSessionTimeout

      public void setAuthenticationSessionTimeout(int authenticationSessionTimeout)
      Configures the maximum session timeout to be used during authentication if the authentication process creates a session.
      authenticationSessionTimeout - The maximum session timeout to use duriing authentication if the authentication process creates a session
    • doAuthenticate

      protected boolean doAuthenticate(Request request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
      Authenticate the user making this request, based on the specified login configuration. Return true if any specified constraint has been satisfied, or false if we have created a response challenge already.
      Specified by:
      doAuthenticate in class AuthenticatorBase
      request - Request we are processing
      response - Response we are creating
      true if the the user was authenticated, otherwise false, in which case an authentication challenge will have been written to the response
      IOException - if an input/output error occurs
    • isContinuationRequired

      protected boolean isContinuationRequired(Request request)
      Description copied from class: AuthenticatorBase
      Does this authenticator require that AuthenticatorBase.authenticate(Request, HttpServletResponse) is called to continue an authentication process that started in a previous request?
      isContinuationRequired in class AuthenticatorBase
      request - The request currently being processed
      true if authenticate() must be called, otherwise false
    • getAuthMethod

      protected String getAuthMethod()
      Description copied from class: AuthenticatorBase
      Return the authentication method, which is vendor-specific and not defined by HttpServletRequest.
      Specified by:
      getAuthMethod in class AuthenticatorBase
      the authentication method, which is vendor-specific and not defined by HttpServletRequest.
    • register

      protected void register(Request request, HttpServletResponse response, Principal principal, String authType, String username, String password, boolean alwaysUseSession, boolean cache)
      Description copied from class: AuthenticatorBase
      Register an authenticated Principal and authentication type in our request, in the current session (if there is one), and with our SingleSignOn valve, if there is one. Set the appropriate cookie to be returned.
      register in class AuthenticatorBase
      request - The servlet request we are processing
      response - The servlet response we are generating
      principal - The authenticated Principal to be registered
      authType - The authentication type to be registered
      username - Username used to authenticate (if any)
      password - Password used to authenticate (if any)
      alwaysUseSession - Should a session always be used once a user is authenticated?
      cache - Should we cache authenticated Principals if the request is part of an HTTP session?
    • forwardToLoginPage

      protected void forwardToLoginPage(Request request, HttpServletResponse response, LoginConfig config) throws IOException
      Called to forward to the login page
      request - Request we are processing
      response - Response we are populating
      config - Login configuration describing how authentication should be performed
      IOException - If the forward to the login page fails and the call to HttpServletResponse.sendError(int, String) throws an IOException
    • forwardToErrorPage

      protected void forwardToErrorPage(Request request, HttpServletResponse response, LoginConfig config) throws IOException
      Called to forward to the error page
      request - Request we are processing
      response - Response we are populating
      config - Login configuration describing how authentication should be performed
      IOException - If the forward to the error page fails and the call to HttpServletResponse.sendError(int, String) throws an IOException
    • matchRequest

      protected boolean matchRequest(Request request)
      Does this request match the saved one (so that it must be the redirect we signaled after successful authentication?
      request - The request to be verified
      true if the requests matched the saved one
    • restoreRequest

      protected boolean restoreRequest(Request request, Session session) throws IOException
      Restore the original request from information stored in our session. If the original request is no longer present (because the session timed out), return false; otherwise, return true.
      request - The request to be restored
      session - The session containing the saved information
      true if the request was successfully restored
      IOException - if an IO error occurred during the process
    • saveRequest

      protected void saveRequest(Request request, Session session) throws IOException
      Save the original request information into our session.
      request - The request to be saved
      session - The session to contain the saved information
      IOException - if an IO error occurred during the process
    • savedRequestURL

      protected String savedRequestURL(Session session)
      Return the request URI (with the corresponding query string, if any) from the saved request so that we can redirect to it.
      session - Our current session
      the original request URL