Class FactoryCreateRule


public class FactoryCreateRule extends Rule

Rule implementation that uses an ObjectCreationFactory to create a new object which it pushes onto the object stack. When the element is complete, the object will be popped.

This rule is intended in situations where the element's attributes are needed before the object can be created. A common scenario is for the ObjectCreationFactory implementation to use the attributes as parameters in a call to either a factory method or to a non-empty constructor.

  • Field Details

    • creationFactory

      protected ObjectCreationFactory creationFactory
      The object creation factory we will use to instantiate objects as required based on the attributes specified in the matched XML element.
  • Constructor Details

    • FactoryCreateRule

      public FactoryCreateRule(ObjectCreationFactory creationFactory, boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
      Construct a factory create rule using the given, already instantiated, ObjectCreationFactory.
      creationFactory - called on to create the object.
      ignoreCreateExceptions - if true, exceptions thrown by the object creation factory will be ignored.
  • Method Details

    • begin

      public void begin(String namespace, String name, Attributes attributes) throws Exception
      Process the beginning of this element.
      begin in class Rule
      namespace - the namespace URI of the matching element, or an empty string if the parser is not namespace aware or the element has no namespace
      name - the local name if the parser is namespace aware, or just the element name otherwise
      attributes - The attribute list of this element
      Exception - if an error occurs while processing the event
    • end

      public void end(String namespace, String name) throws Exception
      Process the end of this element.
      end in class Rule
      namespace - the namespace URI of the matching element, or an empty string if the parser is not namespace aware or the element has no namespace
      name - the local name if the parser is namespace aware, or just the element name otherwise
      Exception - if an error occurs while processing the event
    • finish

      public void finish() throws Exception
      Clean up after parsing is complete.
      finish in class Rule
      Exception - if an error occurs while processing the event
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Render a printable version of this Rule.
      toString in class Object