Class AbstractEndpoint<S,U>

Type Parameters:
S - The type used by the socket wrapper associated with this endpoint. May be the same as U.
U - The type of the underlying socket used by this endpoint. May be the same as S.
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractEndpoint<S,U> extends Object
Mladen Turk, Remy Maucherat
  • Field Details

    • sm

      protected static final StringManager sm
    • running

      protected volatile boolean running
      Running state of the endpoint.
    • paused

      protected volatile boolean paused
      Will be set to true whenever the endpoint is paused.
    • internalExecutor

      protected volatile boolean internalExecutor
      Are we using an internal executor
    • socketProperties

      protected final SocketProperties socketProperties
      Socket properties
    • acceptor

      protected Acceptor<U> acceptor
      Thread used to accept new connections and pass them to worker threads.
    • processorCache

      protected SynchronizedStack<SocketProcessorBase<S>> processorCache
      Cache for SocketProcessor objects
    • connections

      protected Map<U,SocketWrapperBase<S>> connections
      Map holding all current connections keyed with the sockets.
    • sslHostConfigs

      protected ConcurrentMap<String,SSLHostConfig> sslHostConfigs
    • acceptorThreadPriority

      protected int acceptorThreadPriority
      Priority of the acceptor threads.
    • threadPriority

      protected int threadPriority
      Priority of the worker threads.
    • negotiableProtocols

      protected final List<String> negotiableProtocols
    • attributes

      protected HashMap<String,Object> attributes
      Attributes provide a way for configuration to be passed to sub-components without the ProtocolHandler being aware of the properties available on those sub-components.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractEndpoint

      public AbstractEndpoint()
  • Method Details

    • toTimeout

      public static long toTimeout(long timeout)
    • getSocketProperties

      public SocketProperties getSocketProperties()
    • getConnections

      public Set<SocketWrapperBase<S>> getConnections()
      Get a set with the current open connections.
      A set with the open socket wrappers
    • getDefaultSSLHostConfigName

      public String getDefaultSSLHostConfigName()
      The host name for the default SSL configuration for this endpoint - always in lower case.
    • setDefaultSSLHostConfigName

      public void setDefaultSSLHostConfigName(String defaultSSLHostConfigName)
    • addSslHostConfig

      public void addSslHostConfig(SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Add the given SSL Host configuration.
      sslHostConfig - The configuration to add
      IllegalArgumentException - If the host name is not valid or if a configuration has already been provided for that host
    • addSslHostConfig

      public void addSslHostConfig(SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig, boolean replace) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Add the given SSL Host configuration, optionally replacing the existing configuration for the given host.
      sslHostConfig - The configuration to add
      replace - If true replacement of an existing configuration is permitted, otherwise any such attempted replacement will trigger an exception
      IllegalArgumentException - If the host name is not valid or if a configuration has already been provided for that host and replacement is not allowed
    • removeSslHostConfig

      public SSLHostConfig removeSslHostConfig(String hostName)
      Removes the SSL host configuration for the given host name, if such a configuration exists.
      hostName - The host name associated with the SSL host configuration to remove
      The SSL host configuration that was removed, if any
    • reloadSslHostConfig

      public void reloadSslHostConfig(String hostName)
      Re-read the configuration files for the SSL host and replace the existing SSL configuration with the updated settings. Note this replacement will happen even if the settings remain unchanged.
      hostName - The SSL host for which the configuration should be reloaded. This must match a current SSL host
    • reloadSslHostConfigs

      public void reloadSslHostConfigs()
      Re-read the configuration files for all SSL hosts and replace the existing SSL configuration with the updated settings. Note this replacement will happen even if the settings remain unchanged.
    • findSslHostConfigs

      public SSLHostConfig[] findSslHostConfigs()
    • createSSLContext

      protected abstract void createSSLContext(SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig) throws Exception
      Create the SSLContext for the given SSLHostConfig.
      sslHostConfig - The SSLHostConfig for which the SSLContext should be created
      Exception - If the SSLContext cannot be created for the given SSLHostConfig
    • logCertificate

      protected void logCertificate(SSLHostConfigCertificate certificate)
    • generateCertificateDebug

      protected String generateCertificateDebug(X509Certificate certificate)
    • destroySsl

      protected void destroySsl() throws Exception
    • releaseSSLContext

      protected void releaseSSLContext(SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig)
      Release the SSLContext, if any, associated with the SSLHostConfig.
      sslHostConfig - The SSLHostConfig for which the SSLContext should be released
    • getSSLHostConfig

      protected SSLHostConfig getSSLHostConfig(String sniHostName)
      Look up the SSLHostConfig for the given host name. Lookup order is:
      1. exact match
      2. wild card match
      3. default SSLHostConfig
      sniHostName - Host name - must be in lower case
      The SSLHostConfig for the given host name.
    • getUseSendfile

      public boolean getUseSendfile()
    • setUseSendfile

      public void setUseSendfile(boolean useSendfile)
    • getExecutorTerminationTimeoutMillis

      public long getExecutorTerminationTimeoutMillis()
    • setExecutorTerminationTimeoutMillis

      public void setExecutorTerminationTimeoutMillis(long executorTerminationTimeoutMillis)
    • setAcceptorThreadPriority

      public void setAcceptorThreadPriority(int acceptorThreadPriority)
    • getAcceptorThreadPriority

      public int getAcceptorThreadPriority()
    • setMaxConnections

      public void setMaxConnections(int maxCon)
    • getMaxConnections

      public int getMaxConnections()
    • getConnectionCount

      public long getConnectionCount()
      Return the current count of connections handled by this endpoint, if the connections are counted (which happens when the maximum count of connections is limited), or -1 if they are not. This property is added here so that this value can be inspected through JMX. It is visible on "ThreadPool" MBean.

      The count is incremented by the Acceptor before it tries to accept a new connection. Until the limit is reached and thus the count cannot be incremented, this value is more by 1 (the count of acceptors) than the actual count of connections that are being served.

      The count
    • setExecutor

      public void setExecutor(Executor executor)
    • getExecutor

      public Executor getExecutor()
    • setUseVirtualThreads

      public void setUseVirtualThreads(boolean useVirtualThreads)
    • getUseVirtualThreads

      public boolean getUseVirtualThreads()
    • setUtilityExecutor

      public void setUtilityExecutor(ScheduledExecutorService utilityExecutor)
    • getUtilityExecutor

      public ScheduledExecutorService getUtilityExecutor()
    • getPort

      public int getPort()
    • setPort

      public void setPort(int port)
    • getPortOffset

      public int getPortOffset()
    • setPortOffset

      public void setPortOffset(int portOffset)
    • getPortWithOffset

      public int getPortWithOffset()
    • getLocalPort

      public final int getLocalPort()
    • getAddress

      public InetAddress getAddress()
    • setAddress

      public void setAddress(InetAddress address)
    • getLocalAddress

      protected abstract InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() throws IOException
      Obtain the network address the server socket is bound to. This primarily exists to enable the correct address to be used when unlocking the server socket since it removes the guess-work involved if no address is specifically set.
      The network address that the server socket is listening on or null if the server socket is not currently bound.
      IOException - If there is a problem determining the currently bound socket
    • setAcceptCount

      public void setAcceptCount(int acceptCount)
    • getAcceptCount

      public int getAcceptCount()
    • getBindOnInit

      public boolean getBindOnInit()
    • setBindOnInit

      public void setBindOnInit(boolean b)
    • getBindState

      protected AbstractEndpoint.BindState getBindState()
    • getKeepAliveTimeout

      public int getKeepAliveTimeout()
    • setKeepAliveTimeout

      public void setKeepAliveTimeout(int keepAliveTimeout)
    • getTcpNoDelay

      public boolean getTcpNoDelay()
      Socket TCP no delay.
      The current TCP no delay setting for sockets created by this endpoint
    • setTcpNoDelay

      public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean tcpNoDelay)
    • getConnectionLinger

      public int getConnectionLinger()
      Socket linger.
      The current socket linger time for sockets created by this endpoint
    • setConnectionLinger

      public void setConnectionLinger(int connectionLinger)
    • getConnectionTimeout

      public int getConnectionTimeout()
      Socket timeout.
      The current socket timeout for sockets created by this endpoint
    • setConnectionTimeout

      public void setConnectionTimeout(int soTimeout)
    • isSSLEnabled

      public boolean isSSLEnabled()
    • setSSLEnabled

      public void setSSLEnabled(boolean SSLEnabled)
    • setMinSpareThreads

      public void setMinSpareThreads(int minSpareThreads)
    • getMinSpareThreads

      public int getMinSpareThreads()
    • setMaxThreads

      public void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads)
    • getMaxThreads

      public int getMaxThreads()
    • setMaxQueueSize

      public void setMaxQueueSize(int maxQueueSize)
    • getMaxQueueSize

      public int getMaxQueueSize()
    • setThreadsMaxIdleTime

      public void setThreadsMaxIdleTime(int threadsMaxIdleTime)
    • getThreadsMaxIdleTime

      public int getThreadsMaxIdleTime()
    • setThreadPriority

      public void setThreadPriority(int threadPriority)
    • getThreadPriority

      public int getThreadPriority()
    • getMaxKeepAliveRequests

      public int getMaxKeepAliveRequests()
    • setMaxKeepAliveRequests

      public void setMaxKeepAliveRequests(int maxKeepAliveRequests)
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • setDomain

      public void setDomain(String domain)
    • getDomain

      public String getDomain()
    • setDaemon

      public void setDaemon(boolean b)
    • getDaemon

      public boolean getDaemon()
    • setUseAsyncIO

      public void setUseAsyncIO(boolean useAsyncIO)
    • getUseAsyncIO

      public boolean getUseAsyncIO()
    • getDeferAccept

      @Deprecated protected boolean getDeferAccept()
      This code will be removed in Tomcat 11 onwards
      Always returns false.
      Always false
    • getId

      public String getId()
      The default behavior is to identify connectors uniquely with address and port. However, certain connectors are not using that and need some other identifier, which then can be used as a replacement.
      the id
    • addNegotiatedProtocol

      public void addNegotiatedProtocol(String negotiableProtocol)
    • hasNegotiableProtocols

      public boolean hasNegotiableProtocols()
    • setHandler

      public void setHandler(AbstractEndpoint.Handler<S> handler)
    • getHandler

      public AbstractEndpoint.Handler<S> getHandler()
    • setAttribute

      public void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
      Generic property setter called when a property for which a specific setter already exists within the ProtocolHandler needs to be made available to sub-components. The specific setter will call this method to populate the attributes.
      name - Name of property to set
      value - The value to set the property to
    • getAttribute

      public Object getAttribute(String key)
      Used by sub-components to retrieve configuration information.
      key - The name of the property for which the value should be retrieved
      The value of the specified property
    • setProperty

      public boolean setProperty(String name, String value)
    • getProperty

      public String getProperty(String name)
    • getCurrentThreadCount

      public int getCurrentThreadCount()
      Return the amount of threads that are managed by the pool.
      the amount of threads that are managed by the pool
    • getCurrentThreadsBusy

      public int getCurrentThreadsBusy()
      Return the amount of threads that are in use
      the amount of threads that are in use
    • isRunning

      public boolean isRunning()
    • isPaused

      public boolean isPaused()
    • createExecutor

      public void createExecutor()
    • shutdownExecutor

      public void shutdownExecutor()
    • unlockAccept

      protected void unlockAccept()
      Unlock the server socket acceptor threads using bogus connections.
    • processSocket

      public boolean processSocket(SocketWrapperBase<S> socketWrapper, SocketEvent event, boolean dispatch)
      Process the given SocketWrapper with the given status. Used to trigger processing as if the Poller (for those endpoints that have one) selected the socket.
      socketWrapper - The socket wrapper to process
      event - The socket event to be processed
      dispatch - Should the processing be performed on a new container thread
      if processing was triggered successfully
    • createSocketProcessor

      protected abstract SocketProcessorBase<S> createSocketProcessor(SocketWrapperBase<S> socketWrapper, SocketEvent event)
    • bind

      public abstract void bind() throws Exception
    • unbind

      public abstract void unbind() throws Exception
    • startInternal

      public abstract void startInternal() throws Exception
    • stopInternal

      public abstract void stopInternal() throws Exception
    • init

      public final void init() throws Exception
    • start

      public final void start() throws Exception
    • startAcceptorThread

      protected void startAcceptorThread()
    • pause

      public void pause()
      Pause the endpoint, which will stop it accepting new connections and unlock the acceptor.
    • resume

      public void resume()
      Resume the endpoint, which will make it start accepting new connections again.
    • stop

      public final void stop() throws Exception
    • destroy

      public final void destroy() throws Exception
    • getLog

      protected abstract Log getLog()
    • getLogCertificate

      protected Log getLogCertificate()
    • initializeConnectionLatch

      protected LimitLatch initializeConnectionLatch()
    • countUpOrAwaitConnection

      protected void countUpOrAwaitConnection() throws InterruptedException
    • countDownConnection

      protected long countDownConnection()
    • closeServerSocketGraceful

      public final void closeServerSocketGraceful()
      Close the server socket (to prevent further connections) if the server socket was originally bound on start() (rather than on init()).
      See Also:
    • awaitConnectionsClose

      public final long awaitConnectionsClose(long waitMillis)
      Wait for the client connections to the server to close gracefully. The method will return when all of the client connections have closed or the method has been waiting for waitTimeMillis.
      waitMillis - The maximum time to wait in milliseconds for the client connections to close.
      The wait time, if any remaining when the method returned
    • doCloseServerSocket

      protected abstract void doCloseServerSocket() throws IOException
      Actually close the server socket but don't perform any other clean-up.
      IOException - If an error occurs closing the socket
    • serverSocketAccept

      protected abstract U serverSocketAccept() throws Exception
    • setSocketOptions

      protected abstract boolean setSocketOptions(U socket)
    • closeSocket

      protected void closeSocket(U socket)
      Close the socket when the connection has to be immediately closed when an error occurs while configuring the accepted socket or trying to dispatch it for processing. The wrapper associated with the socket will be used for the close.
      socket - The newly accepted socket
    • destroySocket

      protected abstract void destroySocket(U socket)
      Close the socket. This is used when the connector is not in a state which allows processing the socket, or if there was an error which prevented the allocation of the socket wrapper.
      socket - The newly accepted socket