Class DataSourcePropertyStore

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DataSourcePropertyStore extends Object implements WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
WebDAV dead properties storage using a DataSource.

A single properties table with four columns is used:

  • path: the resource path
  • namespace: the node namespace
  • name: the local name in the namespace
  • node: the full serialized XML node including the name
The table name used can be configured using the tableName property of the store.

Example table schema: CREATE TABLE properties ( path VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, namespace VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, node VARCHAR(2048) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (path, namespace, name) )

  • Field Details

    • sm

      protected static final StringManager sm
    • dataSource

      protected DataSource dataSource
      DataSource instance being used.
  • Constructor Details

    • DataSourcePropertyStore

      public DataSourcePropertyStore()
  • Method Details

    • getDataSourceName

      public String getDataSourceName()
      the DataSource JNDI name, will be prefixed with java:comp/env for the lookup.
    • setDataSourceName

      public void setDataSourceName(String dataSourceName)
      dataSourceName - the DataSource JNDI name, will be prefixed with java:comp/env for the lookup.
    • getTableName

      public String getTableName()
      the table name that will be used in the database
    • setTableName

      public void setTableName(String tableName)
      tableName - the table name to use in the database
    • init

      public void init()
      Description copied from interface: WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      Initialize the store. This is tied to the Servlet lifecycle and is called by its init method.
      Specified by:
      init in interface WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      Description copied from interface: WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      Destroy the store. This is tied to the Servlet lifecycle and is called by its destroy method.
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
    • periodicEvent

      public void periodicEvent()
      Description copied from interface: WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      Periodic event for maintenance tasks.
      Specified by:
      periodicEvent in interface WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
    • copy

      public void copy(String source, String destination)
      Description copied from interface: WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      Copy resource. Dead properties should be copied to the destination path.
      Specified by:
      copy in interface WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      source - the copy source path
      destination - the copy destination path
    • delete

      public void delete(String resource)
      Description copied from interface: WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      Delete specified resource. Dead properties on a deleted resource should be deleted.
      Specified by:
      delete in interface WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      resource - the path of the resource to delete
    • propfind

      public boolean propfind(String resource, Node property, boolean nameOnly, XMLWriter generatedXML)
      Description copied from interface: WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      Generate propfind XML fragments for dead properties.
      Specified by:
      propfind in interface WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      resource - the resource path
      property - the dead property, if null then all dead properties must be written
      nameOnly - true if only the property name element should be generated
      generatedXML - the current generated XML for the PROPFIND response
      true if a property was specified and a corresponding dead property was found on the resource, false otherwise
    • proppatch

      public void proppatch(String resource, ArrayList<WebdavServlet.ProppatchOperation> operations)
      Description copied from interface: WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      Apply proppatch to the specified resource.
      Specified by:
      proppatch in interface WebdavServlet.PropertyStore
      resource - the resource path on which to apply the proppatch
      operations - the set and remove to apply, the final status codes of the result should be set on each operation